Muneer Ahmad Tantry : a 16 year old martial artist from Kashmir will leave you awestruck through his story of aspirations

AUYK Blogs
3 min readJan 16, 2022

AUYK Media

Muneer Ahmad Tantry who had transformed from a boy Hailing from an obscure small village KOKERNAG to a MARTIAL ARTIST with the aura of an ORATOR and a BUDDING POET.

Success is not end; failure is not mortal.It is the courage to continue that counts.

Here we have an ardent boy, who with his blood, sweat and tears all put together redefined the dictum of failure and vehemence into success for himself.

Meet 16 year old boy MUNEER AHMAD TANTARY who had transformed from a boy Hailing from an obscure small village KOKERNAG to a MARTIAL ARTIST with the aura of an ORATOR and a BUDDING POET.

MUNEER was no child prodigy and no overnight success made him such a great MARTIAL ARTIST. He has touched the pinnacle, but remember all this was not served to him in a plate.

There is an unsung saga behind the most celebrated one, a story defining his struggle. Going through failure, and many more things, he has seen every phase of life. He started his Martial Art Training when he was in 2nd Standard. The training splashed the unending passion of an Martial Artist in him.

There were many demotivating stereotypical things which pulled him back but each time he gave a tough fight and made a headway through them. It was difficult for him to manage his studies as well as his Martail Art Training.

While talking to us Muneer said, “Coming from a small village, we have a grassroots-level view of things; and our desire to grow is very high. I was looking for an opportunity to show case my painstaking hardwork in the said field.

MUNEER has an assiduous views on his skill. While explaining his perspective through words He said, “Punching and kicking are not enough, you need to understand many truth’s about martial arts also sports martial arts and traditional self defense martial arts are two different categories”. With his underway practice He is a practitioner of TRADITIONAL KARATE , MMA, BOXING, JEET KUN DO and many other arts .

Following this, he never deviated from productive work. The success was evident as he has received many awards in every competition so far. Muneer being a conscientious boy also secured 2nd Position in a prominent National level Speech competition “KNOW YOUR COUNTRY”.

Hoping in optimism MUNEER told us, “I will try to be the part of empowering women through Self defense, which is the need for every female in the present scenario, so that it should be the first step towards self- independence for them”

While having a conversation with such a zealous boy, his story gives belief to youngsters that it is not mandatory to move to big cities to be noticed rather

He dared to dream and magic was unveiled upon him. Muneer unflinching stood against all the impediments and continued to emerge valiantly victorious.

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